Journeys to the Postmodern
According to the authors of Design v českých zemích 1900–2000 (Design in the Czech Lands
1900–2000), the 1990 exhibition, with which culminated the liberalization tendency in Czech art and design – including its positions of “parody, camouflage, grotesque, shared revolt through personal and local mythologies and tragi-comical mystification,” a combination of the incoherent and citations in the vein of the Prague Five, Tvrdohlaví or the secret group B.K.S. of Pavel Lev and František Skála – “unexpectedly resonated in the changed atmosphere and ‘showed objects full of irony and humour’, intersection of decorative elements, an inflow of new hedonism and aesthetics without scruples”. A mixture of eras, genres and value orientations, commissioned and free creation, different demands on the viewer, influences of Neville Brody, “poetic demonstration of individuality and non-reason (emotional, magic, exotic, ornamental)”, placed against functionalist ideals stunted in dysfunctional Soviet planning, together with the expressiveness and emotion of Najbrt’s individual creation, predate modernistically clear hierarchy of information, which the works of the studio later profess nearly exclusively.
1990 Aleš Najbrt
Production estimated up to 14 days, the possibility of printing sizes S to XL
price 400 CZK