big black bag

big black bag 1850 CZK

black toilet bag

black toilet bag 600 CZK

mini-bag black

mini-bag black 1000 CZK

mojemoje cap

mojemoje cap 400 CZK

mojemoje mug

mojemoje mug 200 CZK

podlong black bag

podlong black bag 1500 CZK

square black bag

square black bag 1500 CZK

sticky tape

sticky tape 140 CZK

mojemojemojemoje cap

mojemojemojemoje cap 400 CZK



45th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

The 44th year of Karlovy Vary International Film Festival was marked by the spontaneous start of a trio of typographic visuals in motion. The 45th sailed directly into the graphic magnificence of the 1930s, when searchlights of anti-aircraft calibre in the opening credits searched the 3D logos of Hollywood studios. In this case the letters were cut from plexiglas. “The 45th year was meant as a celebration, light and dark. Plexi looks excellent in light. I gave a box with the number to Václav Jirásek to try different ways of lighting. Since it was made from several layers glued together, the viewer does not know what he/she is looking at and how it was created,” Lednická explains the concept, untypical for the studio, where design is usually made for the observer to know, rather than to feel disoriented, and where the word “formal” practically always has negative connotations. “Sometimes form can be content – personally I don’t mind when the design is only visual and powerful. For me it was a test of how to work with letters in physical space and photograph them as an object,” says Lednická.

2010 Zuzana Lednická
photo Václav Jirásek

Production estimated up to 14 days, the possibility of printing sizes S to XL

price 400 CZK