big black bag

big black bag 1850 CZK

black toilet bag

black toilet bag 600 CZK

dotted toilet bag

dotted toilet bag 600 CZK

mini-bag black

mini-bag black 1000 CZK

podlong black bag

podlong black bag 1500 CZK

square black bag

square black bag 1500 CZK



Prague Crossroads

“The work of Václav Havel and his activities in the field of human rights have always combined activism of an intellectual with humanism of an artist,” the National Theatre said about its festival on the occasion of Havel’s unreached 80th birthday. Subtitled “Arts and politics, politics and art”, it presents performances, films, discussions and other programs by mostly Czech and post-Soviet authors. The design with Havel’s signature heart is reminiscent of the author’s typewriter aesthetic in Anticodes, his book of poems and calligrammes, but also of samizdat as the time’s simplest and most effective form of disseminating information. It is updated by a contemporary color somewhere between warning orange and warm pink of kindness.  

2016 Andrea Vacovská, Michal Nanoru

Production estimated up to 14 days, the possibility of printing sizes S to XL

price 400 CZK