big black bag

big black bag 1850 CZK

black toilet bag

black toilet bag 600 CZK

mini-bag black

mini-bag black 1000 CZK

mojemoje cap

mojemoje cap 400 CZK

mojemoje mug

mojemoje mug 200 CZK

podlong black bag

podlong black bag 1500 CZK

square black bag

square black bag 1500 CZK

sticky tape

sticky tape 140 CZK

mojemojemojemoje cap

mojemojemojemoje cap 400 CZK



Terminal Bar

A cyberpunk club, and Internet café, an international bookstore, a library and video rental shop with a viewing room, which, according to the press release, covered things “from programming to poetry, from classical history to conspiracy theory and from manifest to mysterious”? At a time, when early adopters in Prague were able to set up an email account with one megabyte on the disc for CZK 295 per month? Pure sci-fi. The in all respects inspiring American Chris Stander invited Bořek Šípek to design the interior and for several years, the studio touched the future with posters, invitations and other printed material with a logo, which, as the newspaper Softwarové noviny wrote, resembled “something between a virus, a robot and a landing module of otherplanetarians”. In the underground space, “DJs alternated daily”, their programme being even “available on the website”. “Terminal Bar is more of a cultural centre, in which Internet connectivity is not the main attraction, but a necessary complement for people of a certain lifestyle,” the paper concludes.

1996 Aleš Najbrt, Zuzana Lednická

Production estimated up to 14 days, the possibility of printing sizes S to XL

price 400 CZK